Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Day Before Surgery

Dr. Saleh had prescribed a medicine needed to be injected in order to keep away the endometriosis and cysts.  This medicine comes in the form of a liquid antibiotic and is only available at very few pharmaceutical companies.  Because once it’s made, it has to be kept cool and only has a lifespan of about 12 hours, so we had to pick it up the morning of the surgery from a pharmaceutical company near Dallas Love Field Airport.  Which was completely beyond and out of the way of our doctor’s office at Medical City.  Our instructions were to pick this medicine up at 10:00am and be at our doctor’s office at 10:30am, and my surgery was scheduled for 11:00am.  I was so worried that we would get stuck in rush hour traffic or wrecks or construction along I-30 and wouldn’t make it anywhere on time, so we decided we would just get a hotel room next to the pharmacy and make a day of it.

We stayed at a nice hotel (5 minutes from the pharmacy) with a nice pool, which we swam in for hours that afternoon!  Then we went for dinner at Joe’s Crab Shack for my last meal, since I wasn’t able to eat or drink after midnight and didn’t know when I would be able to the next day.  We ended up having such a fun, relaxing time, that for a brief second, I almost forgot why we were really there.

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