Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Praying & Saving

Because IVF is so expensive, and Justin and I try very hard to live debt free, the next two years are spent praying and saving.  Not only were we praying for a way to pay for it, but we got to the point where it occurred to us, maybe we need to ask God if this is what He wants for us.  We know what we want, but what does He want?  I struggled, trying to figure out if this was the path God wanted us on.  I struggled with the idea of humans trying to play god and create a little being unnaturally.  I even had a couple of elderly ladies at church politely tell me that we just needed to wait for it to happen naturally.  Then, I made a decision.  We’ll pray for direction and follow the path He lays out.  No matter how much we plan, prepare, and attempt to create this child, God has the overall say.  God places skilled professionals in our lives to help us, but at the end of the day, God is always in charge of the outcome.

After saving up for a year, we received what we took as our “sign”.  Justin received a promotion at work, and with his bonus the following year, we would have enough money for IVF.

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