few days after surgery, I felt almost as good as new. We went back to Medical City for our medicine
consultation with Heather, our sweet, personal nurse. We went over what seemed to be about a
million different medications and the instructions for each. Thank God Justin was there to help me
remember all of it! She explained that
we only order meds once, and so we would get every medicine and every pill and
every needle needed throughout this whole process, all at one time. She gave us our meds schedule, and placed the
order with the pharmacy.
Pink- Prenatal vitamins- taken through
Gray- Birth control pills- taken for a
little over a month, to allow time for the doctors to manipulate my system and
Yellow- Lupron- a shot I have to give myself
in the stomach each morning in order to shut down all of my hormones. Could possibly give me headaches and
menopausal symptoms.
Green- Dexamethasone- a small steroid pill
taken every morning in hopes of building superhuman eggs and embryo
environment. Could possibly cause
insomnia, hot flashes, and constant hunger.
Blue- Follistim- a shot I have to give
myself in the stomach each day for about a week to stimulate ovaries right
before retrieval. Could cause pain and abdominal
swelling and weight gain from over stimulation.
Most expensive medicine I’ve ever purchased!
Red- Intra Lipids- For first infusion on
July 3rd.
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