Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Surgery Day

June 06, 2014

We woke up refreshed that morning, and Justin went downstairs and had what he described as an “amazing” breakfast while I was upstairs in our room getting ready.

We swooped by the pharmacy at 9:55, picked up the antibiotic which was packed in very well with ice, then we eared-back on the toll road to Medical City.  I have no idea how we did it, but we were 20 minutes early!  We got up to the doctor’s office, and they took us back and gave me a “cute” hospital gown to change in to. 

The anesthesiologist came in and started searching for a vein for my IV.  Bless his heart.  I have the smallest and fewest veins on the planet.  But he was determined.  And he dug and dug and dug, until neither of us could take it any longer.  Finally, he ended up inserting it into my left hand.

I went back to the ice cold operating room, I climbed up on the little table, and he started the medicine through my IV.  I remember him telling me that he didn’t want to put it into my hand because the medicine “aches” when going through the tiny hand veins.  And it did.  We were talking about traffic and construction and then, in less than a minute, I was out.

I woke up about 30 minutes later with some mild cramping, but for the most part, feeling good- especially compared to my horrible, extensive surgery two years prior.  They gave me a little medicine through my IV for pain, and a grape Capri Sun since I was incredibly thirsty.  I later found out that this was the same anesthesia medicine that Michael Jackson overdosed on, which freaked me out just a little. 

And… Great News!!  The endometriosis had not returned, only the cyst.  Dr. Saleh was able to aspirate it with the super long needle, and then he injected the antibiotic to keep cysts and endometriosis away while we go through IVF.  But, the best news- we are free to continue on to the next step, and we do not have to wait 6-8 weeks!!!
On the way home, we stopped quickly to pick up movies and Chinese food, and made it to the house in time for me to eat about 5 bites, see about 3 minutes of American Hustle, and then fall sound asleep.

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